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tv   FOX 45 News at 500  FOX  December 17, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

5:00 pm
3 police are still seerching for answers following riday's deadly shooting at a coonncticut elementary school. tory dunnaa joins ussfrom newtown... newtown...wiih the lateet on the investigatton, and today's funerals. funerals. 3 the first funeralss ere hell today for victims of friday's shooting at saady hook elemmntary two six-yyar-oods -- were laid to rest. as this tight--nit commmnity begins the diffultttask offsaying -3 goodbye -- the search for answers continues. we'reegoing
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to ensure that weeuucooer every bit of eeidence, we''e examining every facet of it, that we onddct as any interview with everyone that piccuree s to exaccly how and why this trrgeey occurrrd. two adults who were shot buu informaaiin. theeunspeakable tragedy hhs ssarked a debatt over gun ontrol and a culture - of violence in ammrica. we've -3 all got to be angry. this is the nra or us against the eetertainment iidustry. this -&pis all f us. this has changed the ddalogue, ann it should pove beyond ddalogge, we need action. a neelyyformed "nnwtown united," is calling for better gun controo. it plans to send a delegation to washington tuesddy. we have - phe benefit anddthe misfortune of beiig on the nattonal stage right now, ttis is aareally opportunity for us to make a statement. schoolsshere will reopen tuesday, but sandy hook ellmmntary will be clloed until further notice. in dunnan.
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3 when they do go bacc to schooo... the chhllrrn who 3 will not ave to return to tte scene f theemassacre. & instead.. theyywill go to their classes's still unclear whennthat wwil happen..ut all public schoolss 3 be closed ttdaa.. and sandd hook elementary will ever be used for eachiig.... aggin. 3 baltllmore's archbissop is also reactingto the mass shootinggii connecticut. 3 arccbishop william lori...previouslyssrved as bishop of southwestern &pccnnecticut...which includes -3& newtown..ori says he visited the catholicchurch there many as a personal loss. &p3 (looi) "i just think ww have -3 to come together, all segments offouu commmnity to do all thaa we can to end the culture buill what we call in the -& church a civiiiization of love." &&plove."
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3 arccbishop lorii..was at st. joseph medicalcenter for bbtween "st. joo's" and the 3 univerrity offaryyand meddcal 3 schhols here in maaylann ttok extta securiiy measures today. melinda roeder is live at baltimmre county schooll headquarters with word on hhww school officials &poffiiials were trying to clam fears of students anddparents. -& 3 3
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3 pthe connectiiuttshooting has triggered many peopll to call for striiter gun control laws. laws. many maryland politicians and even some memberssof law enforcement for more stringenn gun control pllws. those against such measuress... oint to the fact - thatt arylanddalreadyyhas some offthe most restrictive gun control lawssin the natioo... and they've done littte to poog been considered among -3 this nation's eadliiet. 3 ((wipe-sot))(mike horst) 1:38;16 there areeso many guns in circulaaion now thht even sales or reetrrct features on &pfirraam new sales ii's goonn
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po have little affect onn future crimes. - crimes. 3 3 05:44:25"i think we need to & look at two things, one military assault weapons that -3& are n theehands of peoole who present a clearrand there is the issue of mental &p05:42:44 p3 bbltimore ounty executive & chiee jim johnsoo came ouu &ptoday... calliig on state accees tt military grade assault rifles as well as large amountt f ammunition. 3 that brings us tt our question - of the we need tougher gun laws? - 3 go to fox-baltimoreeddt com &and tell us what youuthink. you can also sounddoff through at oxbaltimooe.. aad you can text your answer too45203. &penter fox45a forryes.. r &pfox45b for no. 3 a ssootinn... anddannarrest... &pin towsonnsaturday nnght nightbaltimore countt police -3 arrested francis kang of
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cockeysville.they say the shooting stemmed from an pargument outside of tte charles illage pub oo p3 police say that bout 2 in the morring..... kang threw a ...and police say kang fired 5 crowdone person was hit... -3 pooice say it as a minor degree murder 3 another man was found shot deaddsunday morning 3 police say michael robbnson was found n the grouud near winnood courrtand - ppelman roaa wiih ultiile gunshot wounds. wounds. 3 and a viewer sent us these - pictures of the crime scene. as of now police have no motivee or susppcts. -3 3 police re & continuiig to investtgate a double shootinggin west paltimoree aturday morning & that has leff one man dead aad another fighting for his liie. - both men were shot in the upper torss and &phead near madison avenue and west preston strret aater a - fighh at a club. one of the victims is in criticaa coodition. but officials say man identified s avon ball has died. tte baltimore un reports the ball
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was aaso thh onny key witness in the murder trial of hhs & for february. 3 lack of progress in the died in police custody prompting proteets today. today.protest nats courrhouse amill and frieeds of anthony anderson who died called for action as heevily armed deupty sheriff's looked on.anderson's deeth was ruled attorney regg bernstein has &pyet to make a determiination if tte officcrs invvlvvd broke the law, inaction his mthhr says will not deter her. 3 06:05:37"i'vv seen the wwoll & thing. it's nothing nobody told me it's what i saw. so what aae you going to do now, us?" 3 prosecutors tood fox 45 thh investigation is still ongoing. 3it's been one of the woost - stretches
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for thh ravens inn recent memory.they've loss 3 straight games.even though they clinched a playoff berth yesterday, ravens fans aren't pxaccly feeling good about their team. peam.sports director bruce cunningham tells us where they -3&pcan go from here. 3 if the weather ever matched a city's mood, it's today in baltimore...after watching their belovvd team lose it's third straightyesteeday, this issone gloooyytoonnthis while fans anddmedia are all too aware offthe ravens' struggles,,ust imagine what it's like inside that llcker rrom rrght now...ven thoughh they''e already nailed down a playoff spot, thereally want &pto win the fc north, and &pbeating he giants thissunday will prrbably do thhy continue to work, and try, and -3 hope...jhn harbaugh was asked today if is plaaers are pressing... & 3 "i hhpe everybody's pressing. i really do. i hope we're all - preesing. i hope we're all get a little bit better. whhre the line is between that and over doing it? i don't knoo. & i'm for pressing."
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3 we'll heer more from harbaugh,,,and yet another &praven is lost for the year... -33 we'll tell you about thht coming p later in the hour in sports. tonight?brandi proctor hhssour traffic edge report. report.. 3 mapgreenspring 3 libertymap 3 shawan3955,3
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3 new tonight at 5:30...a new &pbeginning for a marrland archhishop was on hand. 3- it's an honor thattmost cittess - pon't want.where baltimore -3 panks....on a list f the country's ádirtiestá citiess &ppnd a possible break-through in he fiscallclifff &pthh speaker of tte houseeis -& 3 3 --adblib weather tt--
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3 a major development in fiscal cliff negottationns ann this time - both sides could bb loser tooa deal. speakerrof the house john boehner reporteely told the president over the weekend that he ould be willing too raise tax ratesson ealthy & americann makknggover onn million dollars perryearr.. but there's a catch. conggesssannboeener is only pilling tooraise taxes if it spending cuts. the looming deadline... could giie the speaker the oom he needs to reach a deal republicans won't like... but will accept... the iscal cliff is souring relationships in washington -- - ties are being severed -- principles cast aside..aae for example, sixteen reeubbican & lawmakers that have disavowed theirranti tax pledge tookeep america froo goinn over tte cliff.but as eff barnd tells
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&pus - here are also those who have not lost sight over why they were sent to congress in the first place. ppace. senaaor rand paul, a hard-line republican tea party conservativv, ssys undee -&pno circumstances will he 33 raise taxes.. [takeesot rand ]] 28 25 "it's bad ffr the economy and it will probably do the reverse of what they, i don't find i &pcan come to a commromiie that is illogical."trt=:10illogical beeause in his vvew ii lys &pagainst the ggain of the u.s. economy's past and resent -33& peformmnce. [take sot rrnd] & sot in 7:18 "the reason hy 3 coming in right now is cause we are not ggowing." ttt=::33 to rrad thh tea leaves of the econommy -- paullsays look at the 1922's, 1966's, 1980's andd - even duuing the buuh tax cuts. [sot rand] 27:34 "we lowereddratts, we ggt more revveue and actually the rich paii a higher percentage of lowered the rates." trt:=:06 instead of taxing theeriih, secuuityyand medicare benefits. ideaa that he says & won't see the liggt of day on & the president's desk.[take sot
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3 the preeident are that he doesn't areeif we o over tte uuwilling to compromise."sot in :06 a couple of weeks ago he ssspected congrrss would pass something -- pnything,beffre the christmas break. he had been calling it the big, bad, ugly deal....but now...[take sot]inn 30032 " i doo'ttknow what the end outcome is."trt+;03i'm jeff barnd reporting. 3 paul avoided talkinggabout numbers because he says iis &palike.theeonly number hee tossed was medicare... an entitlement which pends ttree dollarssforrevery dollar it takes in. 3 earlier e asked... in light of theeschool shooting in we need &ptougher gunnlaws? laww?tuere writes on our facebook ppge..."defiintely. i --3&pjusttlost my friend this weekend." weekend."but jim how about better accesssto mental health resources.&presourcee.a big response on thissquestion....and many interesting opinions. 3 go o fox-baltimooe dot com and tell us what you think. you can lso sound off through - facebook. seed us a tweet.. at foxbaltimore.. and you can text yyur annwer to 45203.
5:16 pm
pnter foxx5a for yee.. or fox45b for nn.. 3 3 your tax refund... coulddbe delayed this yeaa.the mmjor &ptting laamakers are stall mate &pon...that's slowing it down. and thousands of peoole... forced to eeacuate.what's ccusing theseehiih- powered 3 3 --adblib weathhr 3 tz--- hey, look!ar! make a wish! i wish we could lie here forever. i wish this test drive was over so we could head back to the dealership. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. test drive! but we still need your
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signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today.
5:18 pm
come on, kids, we've got to go. [ knocking ] oh, no, i got to go. oh, can you make that to go? these days, nobody has time to get sick. but minuteclinic makes it easy to get well. our nurse practitioners can diagnose and write prescriptions for everything from strep throat to sinus infections with no appointment necessary, so you can feel better in no time. you guys want to go to the park? yeah! yeah! minuteclinic, the medical clinic in cvs/pharmacy. accepts united healthcare benefit plans. find a clinic near you at 3 a powerful cyclone hits fiji..- just look at these winnss -3 "cyclone evan" forced thousands of people to evacuate thher homes and & businessess.. ecause of loss water and ower.onll patchy
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remain.fijiiauttorities aree telling those who haven't already fled to shelttrs to stty at home. -- reect to story --dense fog everywhere....ain... moisture in tte airr... 3 chief meteorologist vytas reid... - 3
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with family, frienns and tte hhlidays.the bbst ways to - calm yourself ddring the holiday rush.. coming up. 3 it may be how do you always have my favorite coffee? girl: well, inside the brewer, there's a giant staircase, and the room is filled with all these different kinds of coffee. actually i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig. as you can see, geico's customer satisfaction is at 97%.
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mmmm tasty. and cut! very good. people are always asking me how we make these geico adverts. so we're taking you behind the scenes. this coffee cup, for example is computer animated. it's not real. geico's customer satisfaction is quite real though. this computer-animated coffee tastes dreadful. geico. 15 minutes could save you 15 % or more on car insurance. someone get me a latte will ya please?
5:24 pm
3 it mmy be ccnsiddred "the most wonderful time of the year" & ut with shopping and partiessaad amily battles.. for many it can be a time of stresssand - aggravatton. anna koooman hass ome aavice to help yyu enjoyythissholidayyseason. &pseasoo. 3 the oliday season may bring joy and wonder.. but rowdd at the mall, a &pneeer-ending tt-do ist and - expectations of family, friends and employers .... can also brinn on additional stress ... which can affect both your physical and menttl -3 pealth pontefiore medical center's doctor simon rego ays some pre ppanning can help you pines... regoo &psays: "ii you know yoo tend to argue about ertain topics yyu & can chose this time not o
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engage in certain conversations .. you can also the contact wiih that person and if things reallyybuild p anddboillto ppint yyu can actually chose to disengage and actually end the -3 conversation or leave theeroom for a while to llt things cool -3 down aggin." &p is that the peeple youu see over the holidays... may & have had a ougg year. whether they arr 3to life back home... or people who went through super storm sanny... letting these - people feel wwhtever they aae peeling... and offering them -3 support.. may eejust what the doctor ordered. regg says: "we'rr ssciillbeings so therr's a great buffer towards stress anddenhhncing of ood wwen you yoor loved oneesor friends or & family... jjst be there forr &pthemmand give thee an ear to of the bess wayssto calm yyurself during the hhliday to eat well, ggt enough leep ... and fit in some exercise. annaakooiman fox newss
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bbltiiorr... the 18th dirtiest city in the couutry. ccuntryyfacttrs to blame -3 incluud the ccty's inddstrial ppoductiin... which has polluted theepatapsco river & aad chesapeeke bay.the magazine also mentions coal power plaats.. that hurt our -3 air quality. the philadelphia at number 3.... pakersfiild, califfonia at - number 2... and fresno, california aa nuuber ooe. 3 this year's tax rrfunds could be delayed... unless lawmakers reach an agreement o avertt the iscal cliff... and oon. soon.exxerts sayyif a deal doesn't happen... or gets pushed back nto the new could get delayed untillthe second quarter. that puts about 2000billion doolars... oo nnarly-3-thousand er filer... at risk.many worry a delay could send the country back into a reeession because so many people epend on their refund checks and end up puuting that money iito the -3 economy. 3
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a new beginning for a -3 parrland ospital.why baltimooe's arccbishop was on and, the debatt over gun control following thh ttagedy say... maryland gun laws are &ppcttally contributinggto morr lives being lost here. i'm &pjoy lepola and that sttry is commng up. 3 3 --adbbib wwaaher tz-- 3
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altimmre city mayor stephanii rawlings-blakeeis - calling on sttte lawmakers to &pstrengtten gun control laws. but is that the answee? thaa's more strrngent aws... are asking tonight. crime and justice reporter jjy llpola -3 ttkes a closee look at the - 3 followinggfriday's tragedy in onnecticut... the issse of limiiing aacess to


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